Welcome to my world.....a world of lovely things and thoughts I want to share.

Friday, October 16, 2009

beach memories

Still travelin'! We are now in Yachats and oh the memories..........we used to come here with the kids so many years ago. Yachats, a lovely small town still has a local feel and is a little too far from Portland to have the caught the "up scaleness" of local beach towns .

It reminds me of Morro Bay ............. more happy times with family.

Today we walked. The Overleaf Lodge is right up against the path that follows the cliffs all the way into town. I am a beach comber in spirit and fact. I love to pick my way down on the shoreline; remember me with my tail in the air in my garden. The same is true here at the beach. I used to collect agates with my little ones, sitting in the rocks and searching for little glowing pebbles. Sometimes I would find bigger pieces and you would think I had found true treasure. Today I picked agates again. David kept lookout for the sneaker waves. I think he just plane enjoyed sitting and watching..........several families of sea lions were fishing. We are so used to seeing them either lounging on the rocks in the sun or being fed fish in a zoo, and they are a real treat to watch in the surf. More picking... more finding.... a lovely time. I love the beach. I don't think I will ever give up my dream of living with a view of the water....any water will do. Oh well,dream on Julie. That's why they call them dreams.


Florence said...

Oh Julie that is my favorite beach and we stay at the Overleaf Lodge ourselves and we love it. I hope you were lucky to find some agates. Florence

Debi Ward Kennedy said...

Julie, love, NEVER give up on that dream to live near the water! We dreamed of it as kids and for twenty nine years of our marriage.... and then one day, it all happened. We treasure every sunset, breeze, seashell, and more.

Keep dreaming and visualizing, Julie! It WILL happen for you!