Welcome to my world.....a world of lovely things and thoughts I want to share.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Here we are in wonderful sunshine and flowers. My challenges with this" sweet machine" have presented again. I have not been able to upload pictures. I seem to have to keep learning. This again is what life is all about I guess.
I have been making necklaces. It feels good ! I always bring something to keep me creating. Usually I tear out and collect picture and words for my collections. One reason I brought this "sweet machine" is to look up some quotes to ad d to my web page. I also enjoyed Linda and Ludmil's pictures of Willow Nest Inn. It was as wonderful as expected. The Withies gift to them is a guest book . David and I are trying to plan another trip to Texas.
After a breakfast of apple bananas and rambutan, I am going back to relaxing in warm beautiful paradise.
That is, after I spell check!!!!!!!

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