Welcome to my world.....a world of lovely things and thoughts I want to share.

Monday, April 30, 2012

i havebeen away********

I have not been to this page for some time.    I started a blog to share and have a chronicle of my art.
This process has not been an easy one for me as my relationship to technology is strained.   I have found that my garden ended up in my blogs more often than my artistic  projects.

Even more than this, I have found myself thinking less often of "important" things I may have to share. Who am I and what is it I want in my day to day life that others might be interested in?  I want more calm, I want more simple joys and I don't like struggling with new and not so new technological equipment. Alas they have changed the blog format since the last time I posted and it has been a challenge to get this together.

I love sharing with people and love talking to people....typing to people not so much. I have become accustomed to chat on face book...short bursts of my opinions and "wisdom".
I am gong to  use this blog even if no one reads it. I will no doubt share the the changes I am going through and there have been many. I have heard from other people the same thing I have been thinking...WHAT DO I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP?  I think as I figure me out I just may blog about it. Until then I hope someone might stop by to see what the artist Julie might be doing.

By the way I do love spell check!!!!! I wish I had had that way back when!

a story in colored butterflies

These pieces of paper and pictures I haved saved, led me ....


i dream of butterflies

This project has been in my thoughts for some time. I found  the globe...collected the butterflies.
 I had a fun time placing and playing with the colors.