Welcome to my world.....a world of lovely things and thoughts I want to share.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fond Friends

It was so nice to be in the Tarte flea market. Thank you as always to Cindy for including me. I was a lovely day as well as a beautiful location [even with allergy issues]. We were next to the horse pasture and enjoyed his saying "hi" every now and then. It was as always so nice to see friends and make new ones. I had not had the opportunity to see Martha "Vintage Trifles" for some time. I use to be next to her often at Willow Nest shows in Mount Pleasant. Martha is an amazing artist as is her elf Patty. It was good to see the Christine Lefever doll artist extraordinaire and dear Gregory, her other....Yes a good day all around.

Did everyone see the Oregonian article yesterday? If not.... run to read the great article by Bridget Otto. She has become a regular at the shows and a fan of Barn House and Tarte. The bow to Willow nest as a friend and mentor was heart warming. The entire article picks up and breathes the air of all the creative souls and the bloggers who share the wonderful gypsy world of.......I have not found the proper word for who we are what we do and how we are all intertwined but I appreciate and love them all.


Kitharas said...

Oh, a callout in the Oregonian? Julie, that's wonderful! Congratulations!

xo, KT

Meg said...

I have a question for you and was wondering if you could send me your e-mail address.
My address is:

Gregory LeFever said...

Thanks for mentioning me, Julie. I really enjoyed talking with you again and remain very impressed with the quality and range of your creativity. You have real talent and an exceptional eye for beauty!