Welcome to my world.....a world of lovely things and thoughts I want to share.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Pictures of The Withies

I have been engrossed in memories of England! It seems to me it is so much more fun and fantasy, when I can call upon my memories as I read about the the places ,gardens and buildings I have already been to. I wish I could revisit them after reading all the wonderfull histories. The years; 11th ,12th centuries and into the Elizebethan,Victorian,Edwardian etc. are so fascinating. History is so much more fun as one ages adn can begin to see things in a continuu m.

Back to the pictures......... Iam hoping t be able to post a gallery of them. Andrew is helping me investigate a new blog medium. Well shall we see??????

1 comment:

neighorn4 said...

Hello my beautiful Aunt! I found you!!!! I have been enjoying your site this morning while I am enjoying my favorite tea!! I look forward to checking back and want to thank you for including my little family with your wonderful family at Thanksgiving! I adore spending time with you and am still being hounded by my husband to set up more time soon! So I will be in touch.....kisses!