Welcome to my world.....a world of lovely things and thoughts I want to share.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Still being surprised! I up0load pictures and am surprised at which one pops up. I have spent all day yesterday working on books. They are always fun to do an I will take some more to Thea's on the Pearl. I am also going to take some to Barn House for their grand opening May 9th. Thanks guys for the invite to bring things to your wonderful event.
Also thank you to pleasantgirls. I am always pleased to find a comment. I am glad you found me. Please find me again.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a great day it was at Tarte's opening! As always Cindy creates a world of her own with drama and sparkle.
It was so nice to see what JandJ have been up to and it did not disappoint.
Best of all it us always good to catch up with friend and faces I don't get a chance to see very often. Christine encouraged me onward in computer world. Sweet Natalie was helping so I didn't get to see what she was working on. Susan got me up on her space in Camas. All in all it was so good to connect with wonderfull creative people.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sterling silver chain with charms and crystals and buttons. Silver detail holds chain.

This is a lucite buckle with crystal and pearls on pin; hanging on printed black and white ribbon.

This is a button cross approximately 6in. white ,aqua,gold buttons and found objects. Quotes are along the sides.

This is a detail of necklace on ribbon. Flower basket with bee pin,on green composite circle I found in San Francisco.


This is made from European stones and found objects.